Art for social change in the time of covid

POLITY MEDIA LAB was excited to collaborate with long-term partners at ICASC on a video for the Art Bridges “Stories of Now” research project. Working in close collaboration with the research and design team, Polity refined a sprawling research projected into a tight video output that will draw viewers into the deeper research at the heart of this project.

The work involved creative strategies to visualize, step out of the text and computer screen, and really find the intriguing core of the material.

“Stories of Now” is a project of ArtBridges, a member of the Art for Social Change Network (ASCN), hosted by the International Centre of Art for Social Change (ICASC). The video was produced by Seanna Connell (ArtBridges), Flick Harrison (Polity Media Lab) and Aquil Virani.

“The project is about gathering and sharing stories emanating from the field – community-engaged arts & arts for social change – now and about what issues and areas of focus matter,” says Seanna Connell. “The stories are unique vignettes – and together – a chronicle or snapshot of the field and practice now, at this moment in time.”